型爸日記 :: 預備


兩三年的時間像跳躍一般的人生。 好了,現在我最常想的事情是女兒出生後將會發生的種種。將要怎麼陪著老婆待產,怎麼在老婆陣痛時提供老婆最有力的依靠,進產房還不要忘記帶相機,親手抱著剛出生女兒請護士幫忙拍全家福,帶女兒回家到我們幫他佈置好的房間,幫她洗澡換尿布。奇怪明明沒當過爸爸偏偏就可以有那麼多畫面已經在腦海裡描繪出來! 老婆懷孕到現在已經八個月,狀況算是都正常,也安全通過了許多健康檢查,小女兒出生的月份剛好是北半球炎熱的夏季。難以想像這樣的熱天還得挺著大肚子的老婆的感受(天下的每一個媽媽辛苦了!) 現在仍然有些許待辦事項,不過卻也不知道能再準備些什麼。能夠確定的是到時後我們一家子將會手忙腳亂的迎接這個新生命吧!

Dear Athena:

This is the first letter I’m writing as your Dad, Daddy often talks to you when you are still inside your Mum’s belly, I hope this helps you to recognize Daddy’s voice. I’m so anxious to see you and hold you in my arms, but I know I could wait a little longer.

I always doubts myself of whether if I am capable to be your good Dad, I’m willing to learn, gathering information and resources and try to teach myself to every bits and pieces knowledge of one’s parent should know. It is strange that even of I hold doubts, I’m still willing to challenge the coming future of our family.

It is you, your Mum being the source of courage that’s been injected into my vein, pumps up my energy and motivation. For these that I couldn’t explain, I’ll say it is because that I love you and your Mum more then ever.

So far you are doing very well in your Mum’s belly, I’m seeing how a nice and behave girl you are. And, yes, very soon I’ll bring you to your new home. Where we will share our life together in the coming years.
